Garden Care

  • Are Termites A Problem in Your Garden? Here’s How to Tell If They Are

    Are Termites A Problem in Your Garden? Here’s How to Tell If They Are

    Are termites in the garden a problem? Here’s how to tell if they are: If you notice a lot of damage to your plants, it’s probably time to call an exterminator. Termites feed on wood, so if there’s a lot of damaged wood around, it’s likely that termites are involved. …

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  • How To Plant Bananas Peels in Your Garden to Get Rid of Fly Infestations

    How To Plant Bananas Peels in Your Garden to Get Rid of Fly Infestations

    If you live in an area that suffers from fly infestations, you know how frustrating it can be to try to get rid of them. Fly spray just doesn’t seem to work, and the sticky goo on bananas is just not attractive. Fortunately, there is a more natural way to …

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  • Lizards In the Garden – Good or Bad Pets?

    Lizards In the Garden – Good or Bad Pets?

    Lizards may seem like harmless pets, but the truth is that they can be quite dangerous. In fact, some lizards are capable of delivering a nasty bite, even deadly ones. So, if you’re considering getting a lizard as a pet, be sure to ask, are lizards good for the garden? …

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  • Are Garden Snails Edible? Here’s What You Need to Know

    Are Garden Snails Edible? Here’s What You Need to Know

    Never underestimate the power of a tiny, shell-covered creature. For centuries, garden snails have been used as food by humans all over the world. In recent years, however, some people have started to question, are garden snails edible. So, what’s the verdict? In short, there isn’t one definitive answer. There …

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  • Garden Snails Aren’t Harmful, But You Should Still Keep Them Away from Your Home

    Garden Snails Aren’t Harmful, But You Should Still Keep Them Away from Your Home

    For years, garden snails have been seen as pests that must be eradicated from yards and gardens. At first glance, garden snails may seem like pests—they are, after all, quite small and fast. However, they actually play an important role in the ecosystem. But are garden snails harmful to humans? …

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  • Garden Snails: Safe to Handle or Not?

    Garden Snails: Safe to Handle or Not?

    Garden snails are a common sight in most gardens. They help to break down dead plant materials and are a nutritious addition to any ecosystem. But are garden snails safe to handle? There is some debate about this, as some people believe that garden snails may carry harmful diseases. If …

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  • Average Garden Hose GPM: What You Should Know

    Average Garden Hose GPM: What You Should Know

    Garden hoses are one of the most common tools in a homeowner’s toolkit. They’re not just for watering plants; they can be used for everything from washing cars to filling up pails with water and so on. But how do garden hoses work? And what is their average GPM (gallons …

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  • Are Coffee Grounds Good for Gardenias? Here’s What You Need to Know

    Are Coffee Grounds Good for Gardenias? Here’s What You Need to Know

    Have you ever been asked by a friend if using coffee grounds on gardenias will help them get more flowers? If so, you’re not alone. Coffee grounds are often used as a natural fertilizer for plants, and many people believe that the caffeine in coffee can help them grow more …

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  • Garden Lizards: Are They Really Dangerous?

    Garden Lizards: Are They Really Dangerous?

    One of the most common questions people ask when they first see a garden lizard is, “Are they really dangerous?” They undoubtedly don’t look cute and cuddly, but are garden lizards dangerous? The short answer is no. Garden lizards are not venomous snakes and pose no threat to humans. In …

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  • Garden Lizards: Are They Poisonous?

    Garden Lizards: Are They Poisonous?

    We all know that lizards can be pretty nifty animals, right? They’re slimy, and they have those cute little eyes. But many people don’t realize that some lizards are poisonous. This blog post will explore the different types of lizards and their venomous properties. So, let’s find the answer to …

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