Should You Keep a Garden Snail as A Pet?

When it comes to pets, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some people love keeping a garden snail as their pet, while others find them quite revolting. So, what’s the verdict? Can you keep a garden snail as a pet?

Well, that depends on your personal preferences. If you find them fascinating and entertaining, by all means, keep one as a pet! However, if you’re not a fan of slimy creatures, then you may want to avoid keeping a garden snail as your pet.

That being said, it’s always best to do your research before making any decisions about keeping pets. That way, you can be sure that the pet you choose is compatible with your lifestyle and personality.

Can You Keep a Garden Snail as A Pet?

There are a few things to consider before deciding whether or not to keep a garden snail as a pet. Garden snails may make excellent pets if you can provide the necessary environment and care.

Garden snails require an enclosure of at least four inches by six inches. Most home gardens do not meet this size requirement, so you will need to purchase an appropriate one. The enclosure should be in a sunny spot with plants and rocks for the snail to hide under. The water dish should also be filled with fresh water daily.

Garden snails are slow-moving creatures and do not require much stimulation. They are easy to feed but must be kept well-groomed, as they possess sharp teeth and can bite if provoked. Garden snails reproduce quickly; several babies may be born each month.

Types Of Pet Snails

A garden snail is a small, slimy creature that loves to live in the soil. Garden snails can be kept as pets if they are handled and cared for properly.

Garden snails need a home and fresh produce to survive. If your garden snail becomes too big or aggressive, you can remove it from its home and set it free in a new area where it can find food. A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables will help keep your snail healthy and happy.

If you want to keep a garden snail as a pet, be sure to provide it with the following:

  • A suitable environment – A garden snail needs a moist environment where it can hide beneath leaves or grasses. Keeping a garden snail in direct sunlight or near harsh elements like heat or cold is not recommended.
  • A supply of food – Garden snails eats moisture-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, or flowers. You will need to provide your snail with fresh produce every day or week in order for it to survive.
  • A comfortable place to sleep – Garden snails usually hibernate during winter. Make sure their home has plenty of hiding places so your snail doesn’t feel cramped while hibernating.
  • A safe place to travel – If you ever have to relocate your garden snail, make sure it has a safe place to go. A small box or jar with fresh soil will work great.

Giant African Snail

Giant African Snails are a type of snail that can grow up to two inches in length. These snails are native to Africa but can now be found in many parts of the world as invasive species. These snails eat decaying organic matter and help keep gardens clean. They are not typically considered pets, but some people find them interesting or entertaining.

Red-Rimmed Melania

Red-rimmed Melania is a garden snail that has become famous because of the unusual color of its shell. Garden snails are non-venomous and have been used as food and pets for centuries. They are small creatures that can live in damp environments, making them perfect for indoor gardening.

Anentome Helena

The common garden snail is a small, terrestrial gastropod that has been Arthropoda: Mollusks clade including snails, slugs, and octopuses. The English word “snail” comes from the Old English word for “snot” because these creatures expel mucus when they are threatened or distressed. Garden snails are very popular as pets because they are easy to keep in captivity and do not require much care.

Apple Snails

Apple snails are one of the more popular pet snails, but there are a few things you need to know before getting one. Apple snails can be a great addition to any home, but they require a lot of attention and care. They are listed as an endangered species in some areas and should not be kept by individuals who do not have access to a proper aquarium or habitat.

Apple snails live in moist environments so they will need plenty of damp substrate in their tank. They also prefer warmer temperatures, so make sure the tank is set up at around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Apple snails eat vegetables and fruit, so make sure to give them appropriate food items. Some people also keep apple snails as live bait for fish.

Spike-Topped Apple Snail

Garden snails are fascinating creatures that have several interesting quirks. They are easy to care for and make a great addition to any home. A spike-topped apple snail can be a fun pet to have!

Why Keep a Garden Snail as A Pet?

Keeping a garden snail as a pet is a great way to get fun and educational experiences all in one! Garden snails are active and curious, so they constantly explore their surroundings. You can also teach them tricks like climbing a vertical surface or escaping from a closed container. Plus, they make great conversation starters!

Here are five things you need to know before deciding to add one to your family:

  1. Garden snails are carnivores, and they consume a wide variety of food. They will eat leaves, flowers, fruits, and even small insects.
  2. Garden snails can live in a wide range of climates as long as plenty of fresh water is available. They are not too picky about their surroundings and will survive in most gardens.
  3. Garden snails reproduce quickly, producing up to 20 babies per year!
  4. Garden snails are very peaceful creatures, and they usually do not bite humans or other animals. However, if startled or handled inappropriately, garden snails can lash out with their powerful tentacles.
  5. Garden snails require minimal care once they’re established in your home; just provide them with plenty of fresh water and food sources.

Benefits Of Keeping a Garden Snail as A Pet

Benefits Of Keeping a Garden Snail as A Pet

There are many benefits to keeping a garden snail as a pet. These creatures are very friendly and easy to care for, making them perfect for beginner gardeners or people with limited time. Garden snails can enjoy hours of enjoyment by eating pests and leaves that might beech your plants. Additionally, they have interesting personalities and are considered good luck symbols in some cultures.

Risks Of Keeping a Garden Snail as A Pet

A few risks are associated with keeping a garden snail as a pet. First, they can be difficult to care for and may require specialized care.

Second, they may bite if they’re startled or when they become angry.

Third, garden snails are susceptible to disease and can die if not treated properly.

Finally, garden snails can produce slime, which some people find off-putting.

Is It Cruel to Keep Garden Snails as Pets?

Keeping garden snails as pets is not always cruel, but there are a few things to consider before deciding to keep one.

First and foremost, make sure that you have a suitable home for the snail. If your home doesn’t have enough humidity or space, your snail may not be happy.

Secondly, regularly provide your snail with fresh vegetables and water.

Finally, clean their habitat regularly so that they don’t build up debris and parasites that can harm them.

How To Safely Keep A Garden Snail As A Pet?

There is a growing trend of keeping garden snails as pets. While there are some benefits to keeping them, there are also many precautions that homeowners should take in order to keep their snails safe and healthy.

Before adding a snail to your home, make sure you read up on its proper care. Garden snails need plenty of space to roam and eat, so if you only have a small container or pot for them, they may not be able to live long. They also need damp soil and fresh water to survive, so make sure you give them at least an inch of both per day.

Garden snails need fresh water and food every day, so make sure to provide both when you first get your new pet. The best way to feed them is to give them small chunks of fruit or vegetables that they can easily chew. If you don’t have access to fresh food, Garden snails can survive on moistened bread or other low-fat foods. Be sure not to overfeed them; too much food will make them sluggish and susceptible to predators.

Garden snails should live in an environment with plenty of hiding spots and escape routes if they get scared or stressed. A suitable enclosure can be created by lining the bottom of a plastic tub with damp newspaper and filling the top half of the tub with gravel or rocks. Place the tub in a sunny spot outdoors, where your snail can enjoy exploring its surroundings.

What Do Garden Snails Eat and Drink?

Garden snails are interesting creatures that can be kept as pets. Garden snails eat mainly plants but will also consume small insects and other food items. Garden snails can live in various environments, including indoor and outdoor gardens, greenhouses, and even on a pet’s home floor.

What Do Snails Need to Survive in A Container?

Snails need a few things to survive in captivity: a place to hide, food and water, and an escape route. Some people keep garden snails as pets, but they require special care. Garden snails don’t thrive when kept in small containers without plenty of space to move around. They need at least two square inches of space per snail.

Some people feed garden snails a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, but they also eat small amounts of pellets made from animal byproducts. Garden snails need moist soil to live in, so they should be kept in a container with some sort of drainage system.

How Long Do Snails Live?

Snails can live for a variety of lengths of time, but the average lifespan is around 2-3 years. Some snails, like the common garden snail, can live up to 10 years in the wild. Snails in warm climates tend to have shorter lifespans than those in colder climates since they are more likely to freeze or get eaten by predators.


As with any pet decision, there are pros and cons to keeping a garden snail as a pet. If you’re comfortable with the responsibility of having a live creature in your home, then by all means, go for it! Garden snails make great pets because they’re relatively easy to take care of. Just remember to keep their habitat clean and provide them with fresh food and water on a regular basis.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do garden snails make good pets?

Garden snails can be kept as pets if they are properly introduced to their new home and environment. If you decide to keep a garden snail as a pet, be sure to provide the creature with a secure place to live, plenty of food and water, and appropriate bedding. Provide your garden snail with an enclosure at least 3 inches wide by 4 inches deep, and 5 inches high. Your snail should also have access to a hiding spot, fresh water, and a diet of fresh vegetables.

How long do garden snails live?

Garden snails can live for up to 2-3 years but may die from predation or disease if kept in an unsuitable environment. Some snails may end up living for a decade in nature if left to themselves.

Is it safe to hold garden snails?

Garden snails can be a great addition to your garden, but you must be careful about handling them. Some people believe it is safe to hold garden snails, while others believe it is not. It all comes down to personal safety and comfort levels. If you are comfortable holding the snail and feel that it won’t hurt you, then go ahead and do so! However, if you are uncomfortable with holding the snail or if it is potentially dangerous, don’t do so.

Do garden snails carry diseases?

Garden snails can carry many diseases, but the chances of contracting one are pretty slim. Garden snails do not often bite humans; if they do, the injury is usually minor. Garden snails are not typically considered pests, but they may eat unwanted vegetation or insects. In general, garden snails are fairly low-maintenance pets and can be kept in almost any environment.