How To Jump A Lawn Mower Battery With A Car?

Can you jump a lawn mower battery with a car? Jumping a lawn mower battery with a car is a handy way to get your lawn mower back up and running. It’s a fairly simple process that can save time and money compared to buying a new battery or taking it to a mechanic.

In this article, we’ll review the steps necessary to safely and effectively jump a lawn mower battery with a car.

Can You Jump A Lawn Mower Battery With A Car?

Jumping a lawn mower battery with a car is relatively easy but requires some knowledge and proper tools. Most modern lawn mowers use a 12-volt battery, and many newer cars also use 12-volt batteries, making it possible to jump-start a lawn mower with a car.

The first step is ensuring you have the right tools, including jumper cables and car batteries. If you don’t have the right tools, you can purchase them at any auto parts store.

Next, you’ll need to ensure that the car and the lawn mower are turned off before you begin. If the car isn’t running, you can simply disconnect the battery. If the car is running, you can disconnect the negative cable first.

Finally, connect the jumper cables to the appropriate car and lawn mower battery terminals. The negative cable should be connected to the negative terminal on the lawn mower battery first. Then the positive cable should be connected to the positive terminal on the car battery.

Once the cables are connected, you can start the car and allow the engine to run for a few minutes. This will allow the car’s alternator to charge the lawn mower’s battery. After a few minutes, turn off the car and disconnect the jumper cables. Start the lawn mower, and it should start up with no problems.

If the process doesn’t work, there may be a problem with the lawn mower or car battery. Ensure the batteries are fully charged and the connections are secure. If the problem persists, you may need to replace the lawn mower battery.

Preparing The Lawn Mower And Car For Jumping

Preparing The Lawn Mower And Car For Jumping

While jumping a lawn mower or car may seem thrilling, it can be dangerous and potentially damaging to your vehicle. Here are some tips to prepare your lawn mower or car for jumping:

  1. Make sure the battery is fully charged and in good condition.
  2. Check the brakes and ensure they are in good working order.
  3. Inspect the tires and ensure they are properly inflated and tread well.
  4. Ensure that all fluids are at the correct level and in good condition.
  5. Remove any loose objects from the mower or car that could become projectiles during the jump.
  6. Wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet and protective clothing.

Remember, jumping a lawn mower or car can be risky and should only be attempted by experienced professionals in a controlled environment. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Connecting The Jump Leads

First, you will want to park the car close to the lawn mower but leave enough space for the cables to reach. Ensure both vehicles are turned off, and the keys are removed. Then, connect the red cable to the positive terminal of the car’s battery and the other end to the positive terminal of the lawn mower battery.

Next, connect the black cable to the negative terminal of the car’s battery and the other end to a metal part of the lawn mower engine (not the battery) to ensure good ground.

Now, start the car and let it idle for a few minutes. After that, try to start the lawn mower engine. If it does not start, rev the car’s engine slightly and try again. Finally, once the lawn mower is running, let it run for a few minutes, then disconnect the cables in reverse order.

Starting The Car

First, you must ensure that the car and the lawn mower have the same voltage because otherwise, you could damage both. Second, you will need to connect the car battery’s positive and negative terminals to the mower battery’s corresponding terminals.

You must have jumper cables or an appropriate cable set to do this. Once the connections have been made, you can start the car and let it run for a few minutes to allow the charge to move from the car battery to the mower battery. Once the charge has moved, you can start the mower and see if it works.

Starting The Lawn Mower

To begin with, you should make sure that the car and the lawn mower are safely off and the keys are removed. Afterward, you should locate the battery of the lawn mower. Many of the newer lawn mower models will have a removable battery, while the older models will have the battery built into the frame.

Once you locate the battery, inspect it for any corrosion or buildup. If you notice any corrosion or buildup, clean it off with a wire brush and baking soda. Once that is done, you should place the positive and negative cables of the car’s battery to the corresponding terminals of the lawn mower’s battery.

Next, you should start the car and allow it to idle for a few minutes. This will allow the car’s battery to transfer the charge to the lawn mower’s battery. After a few minutes, you should attempt to start the lawn mower. If the lawn mower successfully starts, you should allow it to run for a few minutes to ensure the battery is sufficiently charged.

If the lawn mower fails to start, you should check the connection of the cables and ensure that they are properly attached. If the connection is good, you may need to replace the battery of your lawnmower.

Once the lawn mower has successfully started, you should remove the cables in the reverse order of how you connected them. This will ensure that the lawn mower’s battery will not be damaged. After everything is disconnected, you should take your lawn mower for a test drive to ensure it is operating correctly.

Removing The Jump Leads

Removing The Jump Leads

Removing the jump leads is one of the first steps in jumping a lawn mower battery with a car. Before you start, it’s important to ensure the car and the lawn mower are turned off and the keys are removed.

Once that is done, you can open the hoods of the car and the lawn mower and locate the batteries in each. You will then need to attach the jumper cable’s positive lead to the car battery’s positive terminal and the negative lead to the car battery’s negative terminal.

Next, you will need to attach the other positive lead to the positive terminal of the lawn mower battery and the negative lead to the negative terminal of the lawn mower battery. Make sure that the leads are attached securely.

After that, you can start the car and allow it to run for a few minutes before attempting to start the lawn mower. Once the lawn mower starts, you can disconnect the jump leads in reverse order to how you connected them. Be sure to keep the cables away from moving parts, and secure the hoods of the car and the lawn mower when finished.

Troubleshooting Jumping Issues

If you’re experiencing jumping issues with your lawn mower battery, you can try a few things to troubleshoot the problem. Here are a few possible solutions:

  • Check the connections. Loose or dirty connections can often cause jumping issues. Ensure the battery cables are securely connected and clean any corrosion or dirt off the battery terminals.
  • Check the battery voltage. A voltage meter can help determine if the battery is fully charged. If the voltage is below 12 volts, it may be time to replace the battery.
  • Check for a parasitic draw. A parasitic draw occurs when a component in the mower continues to drain the battery even when the engine is off. To check for this, use a multimeter to test the current draw while the mower is off.
  • Check the charging system. If none of the above solutions work, there may be an issue with the charging system. You can test this using a voltmeter to test the voltage output while the mower runs. If it’s not putting out enough voltage, you may need to replace the charging system or take it to a professional for repair.

Maintaining The Lawn Mower Battery

Maintaining a Lawn Mower battery is crucial to ensure its longevity and reliable performance. Here are some tips for maintaining a Lawn Mower battery:

  • Keep the battery clean and dry. Dirt or moisture can interfere with the connection and cause corrosion.
  • Check the electrolyte levels regularly. Maintaining an optimum level that reaches the battery cells’ top is essential.
  • Keep the battery charged between 40-70% during lean seasons. It will prevent the battery from going completely dead, which can reduce its lifespan.
  • Protect the battery from extreme temperatures. High temperatures can dry out the battery, causing internal damage, while low temperatures can cause the electrolyte fluid to freeze, damaging the battery. Therefore, store or park the Lawn mower battery at an optimal temperature.
  • Inspect the battery for any signs of damage or leakage and replace the battery when needed.

Storing The Jump Leads Safely

Jump leads can be dangerous if not stored properly, as they carry an electric current that can cause injury and damage to property. Here are a few tips for storing jump leads safely:

  • Ensure the jump leads are properly insulated and not exposed to sharp or abrasive surfaces that could damage the insulation. This helps to prevent any potential tears or cuts that could cause electrical shock or fire.
  • Keep the jump leads in a dry and cool location. Moisture can cause damage to the insulation and lead to corrosion and rust, which can affect the transfer of electricity and reduce the lifespan of the jump leads.
  • Store the jump leads in a separate bag or container from the car battery to prevent accidental contact and short circuits. Label the bag or container clearly with the contents to ensure that the jump leads are not mistaken for other items.
  • Check the jump leads regularly for signs of damage or wear and tear. If you notice any fraying or exposed wires, replace the jump leads immediately to prevent potential hazards.

Tips For Jumping A Lawn Mower Battery With A Car

Tips For Jumping A Lawn Mower Battery With A Car

Jumping a lawn mower battery with a car can be a bit tricky, but here are some tips to make it easier:

  1. Ensure both vehicles are turned off, and the keys are removed before connecting the cables.
  2. Locate both batteries and check to ensure they are the same voltage (typically 12 volts).
  3. Connect the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal on the lawn mower battery.
  4. Connect the other end of the red cable to the positive terminal on the car battery.
  5. Connect the black (negative) jumper cable to the negative terminal on the car battery.
  6. Connect the other end of the black cable to an unpainted metal surface on the lawn mower, away from the battery.
  7. Let the car run for a few minutes to charge the mower battery.
  8. Attempt to start the lawn mower; if it starts, remove the cables in the reverse order of how you connected them.

But, it is always best to consult the owner’s manual for the car and lawn mower before attempting to jump-start the battery. Additionally, If you are uncomfortable with jump-starting a lawn mower battery, it is recommended to seek assistance from a professional.

Jump Start Lawn Mower Battery Under Seat

You can jump-start it using a car if you have a lawn mower that won’t start because of a dead battery. You must follow several steps to jump-start a lawn mower battery with a car.

  1. Locate the battery under the seat. Ensure the lawnmower is turned off and remove the negative cable first, then the positive cable from the battery terminals.
  2. Using a set of jumper cables, connect the positive cable to the positive terminal on the dead battery and the other positive cable to the positive terminal of the charged battery.
  3. Connect the negative cable to the negative terminal of the charged battery and the other negative cable to a metal part of the lawnmower that is away from the battery.
  4. Turn on the charger and let the battery charge. Once the battery has charged, remove the cables in the opposite order that you connected them, starting with the negative cable on the metal part of the lawnmower, then the negative cable on the charged battery, then the positive cable on the charged battery, and finally the positive cable on the dead battery.

Generally, it’s important to ensure the cables are securely connected and avoid touching the metal clamps or other metal parts while jump-starting the battery.

How To Jump Start A Lawn Mower Without Jumper Cables?

If you don’t have access to jumper cables, you can still jump-start your lawn mower using another vehicle or a battery charger. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Ensure the lawn mower’s battery and the other vehicle’s or battery charger’s battery are the same voltage.
  2. Ensure the lawn mower and the other vehicle or battery charger are turned off.
  3. Attach the positive (+) cable of the other vehicle or battery charger to the positive terminal of the lawn mower battery.
  4. Attach the negative (-) cable of the other vehicle or battery charger to an unpainted metal surface on the lawn mower (rather than the battery’s negative terminal).
  5. Start the other vehicle, turn on the battery charger, and let it run for a few minutes. Alternatively, wait for the battery charger’s indicator light to turn green.
  6. Try starting your lawn mower. If it doesn’t start, give it another few minutes to charge and try again.

Remember to disconnect the cables in the reverse order of how they were attached once your lawn mower starts.

How To Jump Start Lawn Mower With Battery Charger?

To jump-start a lawn mower with a battery charger, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the battery on your lawn mower and take note of its polarity.
  2. Connect the battery charger to a power source and ensure it is switched off.
  3. Connect the red cable to the battery’s positive (+) terminal and the black cable to the negative (-) terminal.
  4. Turn on the battery charger and set it to a low amp setting.
  5. Wait for a few minutes and try starting your lawn mower.
  6. If your lawn mower does not start, switch off the battery charger and disconnect the cables.
  7. Check if the connections are secure and try again by increasing the amp setting slightly.

It is important to ensure that the battery charger is not set to a high amp setting, as this may damage the battery of your lawn mower. If you need more clarification about jump-starting your lawn mower, it is best to seek the assistance of a professional or a mechanic.


In conclusion, jumping a lawn mower battery with a car is relatively straightforward. As long as you have the necessary equipment and follow the correct procedure, you should have no problems getting the lawn mower battery to receive a charge from the car’s battery. It is important to ensure that the car and lawn mower is turned off and the cables are connected correctly. Once the process is complete, your lawn mower should be ready to use again.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you jumpstart a lawnmower with a car?

Yes, you can jumpstart a lawnmower with a car. However, using a car battery to power a lawnmower for any extended period is not recommended, as it may damage both the car and the lawnmower.

Is it safe to charge a lawn mower battery with a car?

No, charging a lawn mower battery with a car is unsafe. Lawn mower batteries are typically 6V or 12V, while car batteries are usually 12V. Charging a lawn mower battery with a car could cause the battery to overheat and explode.

Is a riding lawn mower battery the same as a car battery?

No, a riding lawn mower battery is different from a car battery. While both types of batteries are lead-acid batteries, they have different specifications and sizes. Riding lawn mower batteries are generally smaller and have a lower capacity than car batteries, as they do not require as much power. Using the correct type of battery for your riding lawn mower is important, as using a car battery could damage the mower and lead to costly repairs.

How long does it take to jump a dead lawn mower battery?

Jumping a dead lawn mower battery typically takes 15-30 minutes. It is important to follow safety precautions to avoid any potential incidents.

What types of batteries can be used in a lawn mower?

The type of battery typically used in a lawn mower is a lead acid battery, such as a sealed lead acid (SLA) battery or a flooded lead acid battery. Some newer models may also use lithium-ion batteries.

Can you jump-start a lawn mower with a car battery?

It is possible to jump-start a lawn mower with a car battery. However, you must ensure that the lawn mower has a 12-volt battery and the car battery has the same voltage. You must also ensure that the terminals on the lawn mower and car battery are clean before attempting to make the connection. If you need the proper tools and knowledge to jump-start the lawn mower, it is best to seek the assistance of a professional.

How do you check a lawn mower battery?

To check a lawn mower battery, you will need a multimeter. First, set the multimeter to measure DC volts. Then, connect the positive lead to the battery’s positive terminal and the negative lead to the battery’s negative terminal. The display should read between 12.4 and 12.7 volts, which indicates a fully charged battery. The battery must be recharged if it reads less than 12.4 volts.

What safety precautions should be taken when jump-starting a lawn mower?

When jump-starting a lawn mower, it is important to follow safety precautions. This includes wearing protective gear, disconnecting the battery, using the proper charger, and connecting the cables in a specific order. It is important to avoid touching the metal clips together, keep the cables away from moving parts, and properly dispose of them once the mower has started.