Can A Lawn Mower Get Wet? Exploring The Pros And Cons Of This Commonly Asked Question

A lawn mower is vital for the upkeep of a lawn and garden. While they are designed to be exposed to the elements, like rain and many wonders, can a lawn mower get wet and damaged?

Understandably, people would be concerned about the safety of their mowers, so exploring the pros and cons of getting a lawn mower wet is important to consider.

In this article, we will discuss the potential risks and rewards of allowing a lawn mower to get wet so that you can make an informed decision.

Can A Lawn Mower Get Wet?

The question of whether a lawn mower can get wet is commonly asked. The answer is yes, a lawn mower can get wet, but it has pros and cons.

On the one hand, lawn mowers are designed to be used outdoors and have been designed to handle a certain level of water. On the other hand, if a lawn mower gets wet and is not properly dried out, it can cause problems.

The most common issue when a lawn mower gets wet is that the motor will not start. This is because the water can short out the electrical components, causing the motor not to start.

Sometimes, the motor may start and quickly shut off due to moisture. If this is the case, the lawn mower must be taken apart and dried out thoroughly before it can be used again.

The best way to prevent this issue is to keep the lawn mower covered when not in use and ensure the grass is not too long. This will ensure the lawn mower is not exposed to too much water and reduce the chances of the motor shorting out.

Additionally, it is important to ensure the lawn mower is properly dried out after it gets wet. This means letting it sit in a dry area for several days before starting it up again.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether to let their lawn mower get wet. While doing so has pros and cons, it is important to weigh them carefully before deciding. Additionally, if the lawn mower gets wet, it must be dried out properly before starting it up again.

Benefits Of Keeping A Lawn Mower Dry

Benefits Of Keeping A Lawn Mower Dry

Keeping your lawn mower dry is essential for its longevity and efficiency. Here are some benefits of keeping a lawn mower dry:

  • Prevents rust: The most significant advantage of keeping a lawn mower dry is preventing rust from developing on the metal components. Rust can lead to damage and eventually cause the mower to stop working.
  • Maintains performance: A dry lawn mower will perform better than one constantly exposed to moisture. Moisture can cause the engine to stall and the blades to become dull, affecting the mower’s overall performance.
  • Increases lifespan: By keeping your lawn mower dry, you are extending its lifespan. A mower regularly exposed to rain or moisture will wear out faster and must be replaced sooner.
  • Easier maintenance: Keeping lawn mowers dry is easier to clean and maintain. You can inspect the mower for any wear and tear or damage more easily, so you can address any issues before they become more significant problems.

Keeping your lawn mower dry is a simple yet effective way to ensure it runs smoothly for years.

What Happens When A Lawn Mower Gets Wet?

When a lawn mower gets wet, it can cause various problems depending on the severity and duration of the exposure.

Minor moisture exposure may only result in a temporary decrease in performance, while prolonged exposure to water can lead to significant damage or even complete failure of the mower’s engine. Moisture can cause the spark plug to malfunction or even the entire ignition system to fail.

Additionally, water can cause rust and corrosion on the mower’s metal components, leading to further damage and decreasing the machine’s lifespan.

Sometimes, it may be possible to salvage a wet lawn mower by thoroughly drying it out and making necessary repairs. Still, it’s always best to take preventative measures and avoid exposing your lawn mower to excessive moisture in the first place.

The Dangers Of Operating A Wet Lawn Mower

The dangers of operating a wet lawn mower are real and should not be taken lightly. While mowing your lawn after a rain shower might be tempting, doing so can be extremely dangerous. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Wet grass can cause the mower to slip, injuring or damaging the operator.
  • Wet grass can clog the mower’s blades, which can cause the mower to stop abruptly and potentially injure the operator.
  • Wet mower can cause electrical shock if the mower comes into contact with water or moisture.
  • Wet grass can create a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which can be hazardous to human and animal health.

The potential for electric shock is the most important risk associated with operating a wet lawn mower. If the mower is not properly grounded, the metal of the mower can become charged with electricity and cause shock or electrocution when it comes in contact with skin or clothing. To reduce the risk of electric shock, it is important to unplug the mower before cleaning it, even if it is not in use.

How To Avoid A Wet Lawn Mower?

There are a few simple steps you can take to avoid a wet lawn mower:

  • Check the weather forecast before mowing your lawn. If rain is expected, it’s best to hold off on mowing until the grass can dry out.
  • Mow your lawn in the morning or early afternoon when the grass will likely dry. Avoid mowing in the late afternoon or evening, when dew is likely to have settled on the grass.
  • Make sure your lawn mower has a bag or mulching attachment to collect or chop grass clippings. Wet grass clippings can quickly clog up your lawn mower’s deck and blades, causing it to become bogged down or even stop working altogether.
  • Raise the height of your lawn mower’s blades slightly to avoid cutting the grass too short, which can cause it to become more prone to retaining moisture.

Following these simple tips can help ensure your lawn mower stays dry and in good working order.

Maintenance Tips For A Wet Lawn Mower

It’s a common question among lawn mower owners: can a lawn mower get wet? The answer is not a simple yes or no, as there are pros and cons to consider when running a wet lawn mower. Before we delve into the details, we should discuss some basic maintenance tips for a wet lawn mower.

  1. First and foremost, never operate a lawn mower when wet, as it can be dangerous and damage the machine. Wait for the lawn to dry out.
  2. After mowing a wet lawn, remove the grass clippings from the mower’s undercarriage and blades using a brush or scraper. Leaving wet grass clippings can lead to rust and corrosion.
  3. Use a clean rag or towel to wipe down the mower’s entire surface, especially the blades, which are prone to rusting in damp conditions.
  4. Check and change the air filter regularly to avoid clogging, which can reduce the mower’s efficiency.
  5. Check the oil regularly and change it as needed. A wet environment can cause moisture buildup in the oil, leading to engine damage.

How To Fix A Lawn Mower That Has Been Rained On

How To Fix A Lawn Mower That Has Been Rained On?

If your lawn mower has become wet due to rain or other reasons, there are a few things you can do to prevent any damage and fix it:

  • Remove the spark plug and dry it off. This will prevent any moisture from entering the engine and causing damage.
  • Remove the air filter and make sure it’s dry. If it is wet, replace it with a new one.
  • Check the oil level and make sure there is no water or moisture in it. If there is, change the oil and replace the filter.
  • If the engine doesn’t start, try pulling the starter rope a few times to expel any water in the engine.
  • If the problem persists, take your lawn mower to a professional for repair. They can assess any damage that may have occurred due to the water and make necessary repairs.

How To Store A Wet Lawn Mower?

Storing a wet lawn mower is a common dilemma for gardeners, as it can be difficult to tell whether or not it is safe to leave a lawn mower wet or if it should be dried off first. Storing a wet lawn mower can cause rust and other damage if not done correctly. Here are a few steps to properly store a wet lawn mower:

  1. Remove any debris or grass clippings from underneath and around the blades before storing your lawn mower.
  2. Dry the mower using a towel or rag as much as possible. Be sure to get in all the nooks and crannies.
  3. If possible, park the mower in a dry and covered area, such as a garage or shed.
  4. Drain the fuel from the tank and run the engine for a few minutes to ensure all of the fuel is removed from the carburetor.
  5. Apply a rust inhibitor or spray to the metal parts of the mower, such as the blades and deck, to prevent rusting or damage.
  6. Cover the mower with a tarp or other waterproof material to prevent moisture from accumulating.

Safety Tips For Wet Lawn Mower Operation

Operating a lawn mower on wet grass can be dangerous and can cause damage to your lawn. Here are some safety tips for wet lawn mower operation:

  • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Ensure you wear non-slip shoes or boots and waterproof clothing to avoid slipping and getting wet.
  • Always check your lawn mower before operation. Ensure that the blades are sharp and in good condition and that all safety features work properly.
  • Adjust the cutting height of your lawn mower to between two and three inches. This will help prevent the grass from getting too wet and clumping under the mower.
  • Mow in a diagonal pattern instead of straight lines. This will help reduce the clumps of wet grass left on the lawn.
  • Never mow on steep slopes or in wet areas with standing water. Wet areas are often muddy and slick and can be dangerous to operate a lawn mower.
  • Take your time when mowing wet grass. Reduce your speed and take frequent breaks to ensure that you are not putting yourself or others in danger.

The Pros And Cons Of A Wet Lawn Mower

A frequently asked question among homeowners and gardeners is, “Can a lawn mower get wet?” The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the type of lawn mower, its materials, and the environment in which it is operated. Running a lawn mower in wet conditions has both pros and cons.


  • Easier to cut tough or thick grass: Wet grass is typically easier to cut than dry grass, especially if it is thick or overgrown.
  • Better for preventing fires: If you live in a dry area or during hot summer, using a wet lawn mower can help prevent fires from sparks that may ignite dry grass.
  • Saves time: Wet grass is easier to cut and typically requires fewer passes with the mower, saving you time.



  • Potential for rust: Constant exposure to moisture can cause your mower blades to rust, which can eventually cause the blades to become dull and ineffective.
  • Messier cleanup: Wet grass can stick to your shoe as you mow, making cleanup a bit messier and requiring more effort.
  • Risk of slip and fall accidents: If the ground is slippery or wet, there is a greater risk of slipping and falling while operating a lawn mower, which can be dangerous.

Electric Lawn Mower Left Out In Rain

Depending on the type of mower and the circumstances, leaving an electric lawn mower out in the rain can be beneficial or detrimental.

Most electric mowers are covered in plastic and metal, making them very water-resistant. This means that short-term exposure to rain or sprinkler water is unlikely to cause serious damage. However, prolonged exposure to water could lead to corrosion of the internal components and, in some cases, even short-circuiting.

In addition, if the mower has been left out in the rain without being turned off, this could cause a buildup of moisture inside the motor, forming mold and mildew. This could eventually cause the motor to overheat, and if this happens, the mower will need to be serviced to get it working again.

On the other hand, leaving a mower out in the rain can be beneficial in some cases. For example, if the mower is dirty and covered in grass clippings, the rain can help to wash off the debris, making it easier to clean up afterward.

Additionally, if the mower has been sitting idle for a long time, the rain can help lubricate and clean the blades, making them sharper and more efficient when cutting the grass.

Can A Lawn Mower Be Stored Outside?

While storing a lawn mower outside is possible, it is not recommended. Lawn mowers are designed to be used and stored in a dry location to prevent moisture and rust from damaging the machine.

When stored outside, the mower is exposed to the elements and can be damaged by rain, humidity, and extreme temperatures. Additionally, storing a lawn mower outside can make it more susceptible to animal theft or damage.

Suppose you absolutely must store your lawn mower outside. In that case, it is recommended to cover it with a waterproof tarp or shelter and periodically check the machine’s condition to ensure it is not damaged. Staying your lawn mower in a dry, secure location such as a garage or shed is always better.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that the mower is not placed in an area where it will be exposed to direct sunlight, as this can also cause damage to the machine.

Can Lawn Mowers Cut Wet Grass?

Yes, lawn mowers can cut wet grass, but it is not ideal. Wet grass can stick to the mower’s blades and clump together, leading to an uneven cut and potentially damaging the mower.

Additionally, mowing wet grass can increase the risk of slips and falls for the mower operator. It is best to wait until the grass is dry before mowing to ensure a clean cut and safe conditions. If you must mow wet grass, clean the blades frequently to prevent buildup and keep a steady pace to avoid accidents.

Can You Leave A Lawn Mower Outside In The Winter?

Leaving a lawn mower outside in the winter can cause damage due to exposure to cold temperatures, moisture, and rust. It’s best to store your lawn mower in a dry and protected area or garage during the winter, especially if you live in a region that experiences extreme winter weather conditions.

If you must leave it outside, cover it with a tarp or protective cover to prevent damage from snow and ice. Additionally, remove any gasoline and oil from the mower to prevent damage from freezing or leaking. Regular maintenance and proper storage during the off-season can extend the life of your lawn mower.


In conclusion, the answer to whether or not a lawn mower can get wet depends on the individual situation. If a lawn mower is electric, then it should not get wet. If the lawn mower is gas-powered, then a few water splashes should be okay if it is not submerged.

When in doubt, it is best to consult the lawn mower’s owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer for specific instructions. Ultimately, the best way to take care of a lawn mower is to ensure it is properly maintained and stored in a dry area.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it bad if my lawn mower gets wet?

Yes, it is not recommended to use a lawn mower when it is wet. Water can cause damage to the electrical components of the mower and could even cause the mower to malfunction or stop working altogether.

Is it ok to leave the lawn mower outside?

It is not recommended to leave a lawn mower outside. The combination of humidity, temperature, and other weather conditions can cause damage to the mower over time. It is best to store the mower in a cool, dry place indoors, such as a shed or garage.

Can a lawn mower run on water?

No, a lawn mower cannot run on water. Lawn mowers require gasoline or electricity to operate.

Can wet grass clogs lawn mowers?

Yes, wet grass can clog a lawn mower. Wet grass can stick to the blades and the underside of the mower deck, making it difficult for the mower to cut the grass properly. Wet grass can also clog the air filter, reducing the mower’s power and efficiency.

What is the best type of lawn mower for my needs?

The best type of lawn mower for your needs depends on the size of your lawn, terrain, and other factors. Generally, a push reel mower is a great option if you have a small to medium-sized lawn. A self-propelled gas mower will be a better option if you have a larger lawn. A riding mower may be the best option if you have hilly terrain. Consider your budget and the features you need when selecting a lawn mower.

How often should I mow my lawn?

It depends on what type of grass you have, but generally, mowing your lawn once a week during the growing season is recommended.

What maintenance do lawn mowers require?

To keep a lawn mower running efficiently, it is important to change the oil and oil filter, replace spark plugs and air filters annually, sharpen blades regularly, lubricate wheels and bearings, clean the underside after use, and have a professional tune-up every 2-3 years.

Do lawn mowers require gas, or can I use electricity?

Most lawn mowers require gasoline, but electric-powered lawn mowers are also available.