Can Leaving A Lawn Mower In The Rain Damage It?

You may wonder, can a lawn mower be left in the rain? Although lawnmowers are designed to be used outdoors, they are not meant to be left in the rain or exposed to other harsh weather conditions. Leaving a lawn mower in the rain can cause serious damage to the machine.

In this article, we will explore how leaving a lawn mower in the rain can damage it and what steps you can take to protect your lawn mower from the elements and keep it running smoothly.

Can A Lawn Mower Be Left In The Rain?

Leaving a lawn mower out in the rain can be damaging, and the effects can be felt for quite some time.

A lawn mower that has been left out in the rain can become clogged with water, and this can cause the engine not to start. The water can also lead to rust on the blades and other lawn mower parts, which can be difficult to remove.

In addition, the electrical components of the lawn mower can become damaged if left exposed to rain. This can lead to problems with starting the lawn mower or even cause it to malfunction and not start at all.

The best way to prevent damage to a lawn mower left out in the rain is to cover it with a tarp or other protective cover. This will help to keep the water out of the engine and other components and will also help to keep the blades and other parts from rusting.

It is also important to ensure the lawn mower is stored in a dry area, away from direct sunlight and moisture. If this is not possible, then it is important to ensure that the lawn mower is stored upright, as this will help prevent water from pooling in the engine or other parts.

It is also important to check if the lawn mower’s spark plug has been left out in the rain. The spark plug can become clogged with water, and this can cause the engine not to start. If the spark plug is wet, it should be wiped off and dried before starting the lawn mower.

Also, check the lawn mower’s oil levels, as water can affect this. If the oil levels are low, it is important to add more oil before starting the lawn mower.

In addition to the damage that can be caused by leaving a lawn mower out in the rain, it is also important to consider the user’s safety. Wet grass can be slippery, and this can cause the user to lose their footing while mowing. It is also important to consider the safety of the lawn mower itself, as the blades can become dull and cause the lawn mower to malfunction.

Causes Of Lawn Mower Damage From Rain

Causes Of Lawn Mower Damage From Rain

Rain can significantly impact your lawn mower, and there are several ways it can cause damage. Here are some of the most common causes of lawn mower damage from rain:

  • Moisture accumulation: When a lawn mower is exposed to rain, moisture can accumulate in areas where it shouldn’t, such as the engine, fuel system, or air filter. Moisture can cause rust, corrode parts, and contribute to inefficient performance.
  • Clogging: Excessive moisture can cause grass and debris to clog up the blade, impeller, and discharge chute of the lawn mower, leading to poor or inconsistent cut quality.
  • Hydrolock: In rare instances, a lawn mower can experience “Hydrolock” when the engine fills with water due to exposure to heavy rain or flooding. This can cause significant engine damage or even destroy the engine entirely.

To minimize the risk of lawn mower damage from rain, it’s important to take proper care of it and store it in a dry, covered location when not in use. Additionally, if you know that heavy rains are on the horizon, it’s a good idea to cover your mower or bring it inside, if possible.

Symptoms Of Lawn Mower Damage From Rain

Leaving a lawn mower in the rain can damage it, as it can cause several issues, such as corrosion and rusting on the blades and other parts, as well as shorting out the electrical components. Several symptoms can indicate lawn mower damage from rain:

  • Difficulty starting the engine: If your lawn mower has trouble starting or won’t start after heavy rain, it could be a sign of water damage.
  • Rough running or stalling: If the engine runs rough, stalls, or sputters after exposure to heavy rain, it could be a sign of water damage.
  • Rust or corrosion: If you notice rust or corrosion on the exterior or interior of your lawn mower after it has been exposed to rain, this could be a sign of water damage that may require repair.
  • Oil or fuel contamination: If you notice oil or fuel in your lawn mower’s air filter, carburetor, or other parts after heavy rain, this could be a sign of water damage.

Suppose you suspect your lawn mower has been damaged by rain. In that case, a professional must inspect and repair it before using it again to prevent further damage or safety hazards.

Preventing Lawn Mower Damage From Rain

Leaving a lawn mower in the rain can damage the machine. Rain can cause various problems for a lawn mower, including rusting, corrosion, and shorting out the electrical components. To prevent lawn mower damage from rain, there are a few simple steps you can take:

  • Choose the right type of mower: If you live in an area with frequent rainfall, consider investing in a mower designed to be used in wet conditions. Look for models with a high-cutting deck and powerful engine, as these will help prevent damage from wet grass.
  • Proper Storage: When not using your lawn mower, store it in a dry, indoor location. This will help prevent rust and other damage caused by exposure to rain.
  • Clean your mower after use: After each use, take a few moments to clean your mower to remove any wet grass clippings or debris. This will help prevent moisture from getting trapped in the mower’s components.
  • Check your deck for damage: Inspect the cutting deck for damage before using your mower after heavy rain. Wet grass can become heavy and cause damage to the deck, so it’s important to catch any issues early on.

Types Of Lawn Mowers Susceptible To Rain Damage

Any type of lawn mower can be susceptible to rain damage, but some types may be more vulnerable than others. Here are a few examples:

  • Electric mowers – These mowers have electrical components that may be damaged by rain or moisture. It’s important to keep them dry and covered when not in use.
  • Gas mowers – Gas mowers may also be susceptible to rain damage if water enters the fuel tank or carburetor. To prevent this, store the mower in a dry place when not in use.
  • Push mowers – Push mowers may be more vulnerable to rust and corrosion if left out in the rain. To prevent this, dry the mower off afterward and store it in a dry place.

Overall, it’s important to take precautions to protect your lawn mower from rain damage, regardless of your mower type.

Repairing A Lawn Mower Damaged By Rain

Repairing A Lawn Mower Damaged By Rain

Repairing a lawn mower that has been damaged by rain depends on the extent of the damage. Here are some steps you can take to repair a wet lawn mower:

  1. Dry off the lawn mower as best as you can using a towel or cloth.
  2. Check the oil and gas to ensure the rain has not contaminated them. If they have, drain and replace them with new oil and gas.
  3. Remove the spark plug, clean it with a wire brush, and replace it.
  4. Check the air filter and clean or replace it if necessary.
  5. Leave the lawn mower in a covered area or garage to dry completely, preferably for 24 hours.
  6. Attempt to start the lawn mower. If it does not start or is still not running properly, you may need to take it to a professional for further repairs.

Remember always to use caution when working with machinery and ensure the lawn mower is turned off and the spark plug is disconnected before attempting any repairs.

Cleaning A Lawn Mower After Rain Exposure

Cleaning a lawn mower after rain exposure is important to maintaining and protecting it from damage. When left out in the rain, a lawn mower is prone to rust and corrosion due to moisture. This can cause parts of the mower to malfunction and even break down.

For cleaning a lawn mower, here are some steps to follow:

  1. Disconnect the spark plug before cleaning to ensure safety.
  2. Use a brush to remove debris and dirt from the outside of the mower.
  3. Use a hose to remove any remaining dirt or debris build-up. Avoid getting water in the engine or air filter.
  4. Make sure to dry the mower completely before using it again.
  5. If any rust is visible, use a rust converter or sandpaper to clean it up.
  6. After cleaning, check the oil levels and air filter to ensure everything works properly.

Storage Tips To Protect A Lawn Mower From Rain Damage

Leaving a lawn mower out in the rain can cause significant damage, reducing the lifespan and potentially requiring costly repairs. To protect your lawn mower from rain damage, there are several storage tips you can follow:

  • Store your lawn mower in a dry and covered area, such as a shed or garage. This will help protect it from rain and humidity.
  • If you don’t have a covered area to store your lawn mower, consider investing in a waterproof cover to protect it from rain and moisture.
  • Before storing your lawn mower, clean it thoroughly, removing any grass or debris that may have accumulated. This will help prevent rust and other damage caused by moisture.
  • It’s also a good idea to apply a coat of rust inhibitor or lubricant to the metal parts of your lawn mower, such as the blade and engine, to protect them from moisture and rust.

Benefits Of Weatherproofing A Lawn Mower

Weatherproofing your lawn mower can provide numerous benefits, such as extending the lifespan of your machine, decreasing maintenance costs, and ensuring its performance during harsh weather conditions. Here are a few specific benefits of weatherproofing your lawn mower:

  • Prevent rust and corrosion: Weatherproofing helps protect your lawn mower from rust and corrosion caused by moisture and other weather elements, prolonging its life and saving you money on repairs.
  • Reduce maintenance costs: Regularly weatherproofing your lawn mower can decrease maintenance costs by reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacement of parts due to weather damage.
  • Improve performance: Weatherproofing can help your lawn mower operate efficiently by protecting its inner components from the effects of humidity, rain, and snow. This can result in better performance and smoother operation.
  • Maintain appearance: Weatherproofing can also help maintain the appearance of your lawn mower by preventing fading, cracking, or other damage caused by sun exposure and other weather conditions. This can help retain the value of your machine over time.

Tips For Maintaining A Lawn Mower In Rainy Weather

Tips For Maintaining A Lawn Mower In Rainy Weather

Maintaining a lawn mower in rainy weather is crucial to ensure it continues functioning effectively. Here are a few tips to help you with this task:

  • Always ensure that the mower’s blades are sharp, as dull blades can damage the grass and cause the mower to work harder than necessary.
  • Clean the mower regularly to prevent debris and mud buildup on and around the wheels and blades.
  • Keep the spark plug clean and dry to prevent moisture from causing damage to the engine.
  • Check the air filter regularly and replace it as needed to keep the engine running smoothly.
  • Consider investing in a rain cover or canopy to protect the mower from prolonged exposure to moisture.
  • If possible, mow your lawn in the morning when the grass is dry, as this reduces the moisture the mower will come into contact with.

Lawn Mower Left Out In The Rain

Leaving a lawn mower out in the rain can cause serious damage. Depending on the type of lawn mower, the rain can cause rust, corrosion, and electrical damage. Rust and corrosion occur when the metal parts of the mower are exposed to moisture, which can cause them to break down over time.

Electrical damage occurs when the mower is exposed to moisture, which can cause the wiring to short out or the internal components to malfunction. Additionally, moisture can cause the fuel to become contaminated, which can lead to engine failure or poor performance.

In addition to these issues, leaving a lawn mower out in the rain can cause the various mechanical components to become clogged or jammed. The moisture can cause dirt and debris to build up in the moving parts, preventing the mower from functioning properly. As the dirt and debris accumulate, it can also cause the mower to become harder to start and can lead to the engine stalling.

Storing the lawn mower in a dry place when not in use is important to prevent these kinds of damage. If the mower is exposed to rain, it should be wiped down as soon as possible and left up off the ground so that any excess moisture can be drained away.

Additionally, it is important to regularly check the air filter, spark plugs, and fuel lines to ensure they are not clogged with debris. These steps will help ensure that the lawn mower remains in good working condition and can provide many years of reliable service.

Can A Lawn Mower Be Stored Outside?

Storing a lawn mower outside can be a difficult decision for many homeowners. On the one hand, keeping a lawn mower outside can be convenient for mowing large lawns or for regular maintenance.

On the other hand, leaving a lawn mower outside can lead to damage from the elements, such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures. The question of whether a lawn mower can be stored outside in the rain is an important one for many homeowners.

The answer to this question depends on the type of lawn mower in question. If the lawn mower is electric, leaving it outside in the rain is not recommended. This is because water and electricity do not mix, and leaving an electric lawn mower in the rain could lead to electrical damage or even cause a fire hazard. However, if the lawn mower is a gas-powered model, leaving it outside in the rain is usually not a problem as long as the engine is properly sealed.

When leaving a lawn mower outside, it is important to ensure it is securely covered, such as with a tarp. This will help protect the lawn mower from the elements, such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.

Additionally, it is important to regularly check on the lawn mower and ensure it is not becoming damaged by the elements. If any damage is noticed, the lawn mower should be brought inside, as further damage could be caused by leaving it in the rain.

Can You Leave A Lawn Mower Outside In The Winter?

Yes, you can leave a lawn mower outside during the winter, but it is important to take a few precautions to prevent damage.

First, drain the fuel and oil from the mower before storing it. This will prevent the fuel from freezing and damaging the engine.

Covering the mower with a tarp or other protective cover is also a good idea to keep it dry and prevent rust or corrosion.

Store the mower in a garage or shed to protect it from the elements, if possible.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your lawn mower remains in good condition throughout the winter and is ready to use again when the weather warms up.


In conclusion, leaving a lawn mower in the rain can potentially damage it. Moisture can corrode the mower’s parts, leading to rust and other performance issues. To avoid any damage, it is best to store the lawn mower indoors or cover it with a waterproof cover when it is not in use. These precautions will help ensure the lawn mower stays in good condition for many years.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens to a lawn mower left in the rain?

If a lawn mower is left in the rain, it can cause various problems. The water can make its way into the motor, causing it to short out and potentially destroy it. Water can also cause rust and corrosion, damaging the mower’s blades, deck, and other moving parts. Water can also cause the spark plug to malfunction, leading to a decrease in mower performance.

Is it ok to leave the lawn mower outside?

Leaving your lawn mower outside is not recommended, as it is vulnerable to the elements, such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures. It is best to store your lawn mower in a dry, covered place when not in use.

Can electric mowers get rained on?

Yes, electric mowers can get rained on. However, it is best to avoid getting them wet if possible, as this can damage the electrical components and cause the mower to malfunction. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the mower is completely dry before plugging it in again.

Can you use a zero turn mower in the rain?

No, using a zero turn mower in the rain is not recommended. Rain can cause wet grass to stick to the mower blades, creating an uneven cut. It can also cause electrical components to short out or malfunction.

How often should I mow my lawn?

It depends on the type of grass you have, but generally, you should mow your lawn at least once a week during the growing season.

What type of oil should I use in my lawn mower?

The type of oil you should use in your lawn mower depends on the make and model of your mower. Generally, you should use an SAE 30-weight oil specifically designed for 4-cycle engines. Check your mower’s owner’s manual for the exact oil type and amount to use.

How do I change the spark plug in my lawn mower?

To change the spark plug in your lawn mower, you must first locate the spark plug. This is usually located near the top of the engine. Once you have located the spark plug, use a socket wrench to remove the old spark plug. Install the new spark plug by hand and then use a socket wrench to tighten it. Finally, check the gap between the electrodes on the spark plug with a gap gauge to make sure it is set to the manufacturer’s specifications.

How do I know when to replace the blades on my lawn mower?

You should replace the blades on your lawn mower once a year or every 25 hours of use. However, if your grass is not being cut evenly or looks ragged, it may be time to replace the blades sooner. Additionally, if you notice any rust, nicks, or bends on the blades, they should be replaced immediately.