Garden Lizards: Are They Poisonous?

We all know that lizards can be pretty nifty animals, right? They’re slimy, and they have those cute little eyes. But many people don’t realize that some lizards are poisonous.

This blog post will explore the different types of lizards and their venomous properties. So, let’s find the answer to the question, are garden lizards poisonous?

What Are Garden Lizards?

Garden lizards are small, lizard-like reptiles that are typically found in warm climates. They are common inhabitants of gardens and parks. Garden lizards are not poisonous but can be harmful if they bite. Garden lizards have a wide variety of colors and patterns, so it is easy to identify them.

Are Garden Lizards Poisonous

Are Garden Lizards Poisonous?

Garden lizards are not poisonous but can still be a nuisance if they are not kept in check. Garden lizards like to live in warm and humid environments so they may be attracted to your garden. If you have problems with these lizards in your garden, there are several ways to get rid of them without using poisonous substances.

You can use a broom to sweep them away or use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to clean up their droppings. If you need to use poison, several options are available that will not harm your pet animals or children who might come into contact with it.

Types Of Garden Lizards

There are many types of garden lizards, but not all of them are poisonous. The harmless varieties include geckos, skinks, and anoles. The most common type of lizard in the United States is the rat snake. Rat snakes are the only type found in most homes and are not poisonous.

The five types of garden lizards that can be deadly to humans are the cobra snake (Naja naja), king cobras (Ophiophagus hannah), Bahamian blind snake (Ptyas tigrina), Australian rat snake (Elaphe spilotes), and black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis). These snakes have venom that can kill a person within minutes if bitten. There is no known antidote for these bites, so it is important to take care when around these snakes.

How To Identify If a Lizard Is Poisonous?

If you are considering keeping a lizard as a pet, be sure to do your research first. Many lizards are not poisonous, but some can be. If you’re not sure if a particular lizard is poisonous, here are some tips on how to identify it is:

  • The tail of a poisonous lizard will always have a characteristic “butterfly” shape.
  • Lizards that are poisonous will often have green or blue spots on their skin.
  • Poisonous lizards may also have triangular markings on their heads.
  • Finally, a poisonous lizard will always have very potent venom.

How To Handle a Poisonous Lizard?

If you have a garden lizard, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers that they may pose to you and your family. Garden lizards are not venomous, but some of their small cousins can be dangerous if mishandled. Here are five tips on how to handle a poisonous lizard:

  • Don’t Get Too Close-A Garden lizard is not going to bite you if you’re getting too close, but it might startle and scamper away if you come too close. If you get too close, make yourself as large as possible so the lizard feels safe and doesn’t need to defend itself.
  • Know the Signs – If you see your lizard acting oddly or showing pain, don’t touch it! While all lizards can sometimes bite when threatened, some species are more prone to biting than others and should be treated with caution. Symptoms that may suggest that a lizard has bitten someone include swollen lymph nodes and redness around the wound. Contact your doctor if any of these symptoms appear after handling a poisonous lizard.
  • Keep Them Indoors – While most garden lizards can survive outdoors in captivity (depending on the particular species), they’re much better off staying inside where they’re safe from predators and humans alike. They might still escape from their enclosure during warm weather, but at least they won’t run into trouble in the wild.
  • Don’t Feed Them – At Least Not Regularly – Although some garden lizards will eat insects, rodents, or other small creatures, feeding them regularly is not advisable. While they might look cute when they’re eating, over-feeding can lead to obesity and, eventually, health problems.
  • Keep a Close Eye on Them – If you have a garden lizard, it’s important to keep an eye on their enclosure and ensure they’re always safe and comfortable. Contact your veterinarian immediately if something seems wrong (like the lizard is lost or doesn’t appear to be eating).

How To Treat a Poisonous Lizard?

Poisonous lizards can be a problem in any garden but are especially dangerous to children. Here are some tips for how to treat a poisonous lizard:

  • If you find a lizard that is sick or has ingested something poisonous, do not touch it. Call a veterinarian or animal control officer.
  • Make sure all lizards in your garden are visible and identifiable so you can avoid getting bit if one of them bites you. If you do get bitten, wash the wound with soap and water and call a doctor immediately.
  • Keep your garden clean and free of food and water sources for lizards that might want to feed on them.
  • If you see a lizard that you think might be poisonous, take pictures of it and the area where it was found. Make notes about the size, color, and markings of the lizard.

Potential Dangers of Garden Lizards

There are a few potential dangers of garden lizards. Garden lizards can be carriers of salmonella and, if ingested, can cause diarrhea and fever. Additionally, garden lizards may bite if frightened or irritated.

If you are concerned about the safety of your garden lizard, it is best to keep them inside during periods of high salmonella risk.

Are Garden Lizards Poisonous to Dogs?

Garden lizards are common reptiles found in many parts of the world. While they are not known to be poisonous to dogs, it is important to be aware that they may have small scales that could cause a scratch or minor injury if ingested. Most garden lizards would not pose a danger to your pet, but it is always best to watch them closely, and if you notice any suspicious behavior, consult your veterinarian.

Are Garden Lizards Poisonous to Cats?

Yes, garden lizards can be poisonous to cats. A small percentage of these lizards have venom that can cause a skin reaction in cats if ingested. However, the chances of this happening are very small, and most cats will not get harmed by a garden lizard. If your cat gets close to a garden lizard, you should watch them closely and ensure they don’t lick or bite at it.

Are Lizards Poisonous to Humans?

Lizards are not poisonous to humans, but a few may be harmful. Some of the more venomous lizards include the garter, king, and coral. If you encounter a lizard in your garden, it is best to leave it alone because lizards can be territorial and potentially dangerous.

If you do come into contact with a lizard, the best thing to do is wash your hands and arms thoroughly with soap and water. If you have any doubt about whether or not a lizard is poisonous, it is best to consult a health professional.

Is Oriental Garden Lizard Poisonous?

The oriental garden lizard (Lacerta thierax) is a small, slender lizard that can be found in many parts of the world. Oriental garden lizards are mildly venomous and not considered poisonous to humans. However, several other lizards in the same family (Lacertidae) are more poisonous to humans, so it’s always important to heed safety advice when handling any type of lizard.

Are House Lizards Harmful?

House lizards are common in many gardens and can be a helpful addition to the ecosystem. However, house lizards can also be harmful if they ingest poison from plants or other animals. If you’re concerned about your house lizard’s safety, there are steps you can take to protect it.

First, make sure that any plants in your garden that might contain poison are identified and removed.

You can also try to discourage your lizard from eating poisonous plants by providing it with alternate sources of food.

Finally, if your lizard accidentally ingests poison, seek help immediately.

Are Lizards Dangerous to Touch?

Garden lizards are typically not deadly to humans but can still bite if handled improperly. They usually have smooth scales that can easily be scratched and will then release a toxin from their skin. If handled incorrectly, garden lizards can also carry salmonella bacteria which can cause food poisoning in humans.

Lizards are a common pet in many homes. While some lizards can be harmless, others can be poisonous. Garden lizards are a type of lizard that is commonly kept as a pet. If you are looking to buy a lizard, be sure to research which type of lizard it is before touching or picking it up.

Do House Lizards Bite Humans?

Are house lizards really poisonous? Garden lizards, like all lizards, are native to warm climates and are not known to be venomous. The most common Australian house lizard is the gecko, and although they can bite, they are not known to be poisonous. There is one species of lizard that is known to be venomous- the king cobra.

Are Lizard Bites Dangerous

Are Lizard Bites Dangerous?

Lizards make great pets, but keep in mind that they can be poisonous. Garden lizards are the most common type of lizard in the United States and are not always dangerous. However, some species can be harmful if you’re unlucky enough to get bitten by one.

Garden lizards are usually non-poisonous, but there are exceptions. Both the eastern diamondback and the Australian brown gecko have been known to bite humans and cause serious injury. If either of these snakes ever bit you, seek medical attention immediately.


Garden lizards make a great pet, but before you bring one home, make sure to do your research. Some garden lizards are poisonous and, if ingested, can cause serious health problems. If you’re unsure whether or not a particular lizard is poisonous, it’s best to err on the side of caution and consult an expert.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are garden lizards harmful?

Garden lizards are common in suburban and urban gardens, but are they harmful? Generally speaking, no. Garden lizards are non-poisonous, and their venom is not strong enough to kill a human. However, there have been cases of garden lizards biting people who were not expecting it, so it is always best to be aware of your surroundings when handling these creatures.

Are oriental garden lizards poisonous?

There is some debate on whether or not oriental garden lizards are poisonous. However, the majority of experts believe that they are not. This is because these lizards do not have any venom glands and thus cannot inject poison into their prey. Additionally, there are no reports of these lizards causing any serious injuries or deaths. So, if you’re worried about your safety, it’s best to avoid owning an oriental garden lizard.

Is lizard poisonous to humans?

There is no one answer to this question, as lizards can be poisonous to humans in different ways. Some people believe that lizards are poisonous to humans. But this is not always the case. Lizards do not typically bite people but may secrete a venom that can cause mild pain or skin irritation. Most lizards do not have any significant venom glands and would not be able to harm a person if they did.

What happens when a lizard bites?

Lizards are not poisonous and will not cause any harm to humans if they are not provoked. If a lizard bites you, the best course of action is to wash the wound with soap and water. If the bite seems serious or if there is swelling or redness, go to the hospital.